Ladies Fellowship Group

The Ladies Fellowship Group started as an opportunity to get-together with other church members we may not see very often as we have three churches and don’t all worship at the same church at the same time. It has proved a successful formula and so we are inviting others to join us. Maybe you have just moved to the area and would like to meet some other ladies, maybe you would like to make new friends. Everyone is welcome and there is no commitment to come on a regular basis.

We generally meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 12.30-2pm and chat over a very simple lunch in St Peter’s Parish Church Hall. 

The dates of our meetings can be found in the Weekly Newsletter here and further information about the group through the church office ( We would be grateful if you can let us know in advance that you are coming so that we have an idea of numbers. We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.